Scroll down to see the electronic version of the event program & images to follow of the event.
Donate to Team Batting for Betty via now,
click the button below: Special thanks to the Shaw's Center of Brockton and The Brockton Rox for hosting
this event, their contributions and their generosity. Special Recognition of President, Mike Canina & GM, Tom Healy for their hard work & kindness. About our Celebrity Guest Umpire, Nacho
(pictured on the right with BA) BA is currently security for BCAPP and formerly with NKOTB from back-in-the-day. Nacho is most known for his EXTREME EATING ABILITY as demonstrated when he appeared with his close friend Mark Wahlberg on Jimmy Kimmel LIVE in the Fall of 2011. This appearance (see video clip below) caught the attention of Fuel TV, who has added Nacho to their network’s lineup of “adrenaline-rushing & thrill-seeking sports” shows. Nacho is currently filming a reality series with Johnny Alves – the real-life Johnny Drama of “Entourage” which highlights Nacho’s extreme eating abilities for the network. To see the episode of NACHO on Jimmy Kimmel Live, accompanied by his buddy Mark Wahlberg, click the button below: Scroll Down to View and Browse
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This is a not for profit event hosted in honor of Betty Wood with the permission of Mr. Dan Wood, Sr. Husband of Bettty Wood and father to Danny Wood. Danny Wood is widely recognized for his affliation as a member of the talented musical group New Kids on the Block. The majority of the proceeds acquired will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation in the name of Mrs. Betty Wood to help in the fight against cancer. A percentage of the proceeds will be invested soley for the coordination and operation of the event to be hosted on October 21, 2012 with intent to generate a sizeable donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation and honor Mrs. Wood (pictured with her son below on a recent album cover.) |
Special Thanks to the following people & businesses who helped make the 3rd Annual Batting for Betty happen!
B.C. Tent & Awning
800-660-TENT (8368)
Email: [email protected]

Please call them today to talk to one of our tent event specialist to set up a site visit to help you determine what style and size fits your needs. 1-800-660-TENT
LIKE them on FB, just click the